I’m Elizabeth Freedman

Leadership Advisor |
Executive Coach |Keynote Speaker

Helping the Best Get Better

As an executive advisor and coach for the C-suite, my mission is to help the best leaders get even better so they can do great work in the world, raise the bar on their own performance, and create the conditions for success in their own teams and organizations.

According to research, two-thirds of senior leaders receive no outside perspective on their leadership skills, yet nearly all would like to become better leaders. Our work in coaching provides you with a rare, safe space for deep thinking and strategizing that helps you become the very best version of yourself.

What else happens in executive coaching and advisory work?  Commons areas of focus include:


Uncovering your blind spots and getting an accurate picture of your strengths and gaps


Raising the bar on your executive presence and influence


Improving your ability to own the room and increase followership with diverse stakeholders


Building a plan of action to engage, align, and inspire your team


Addressing challenging aspects of conflict and stakeholder management


Communicating a powerful vision and clear strategy that move people to act and execute


Executive Presence and Influential Leadership

Selling and Influencing at the C-Suite Level

What’s on the ‘To Do’ list for today’s senior executive?

Engage the organization and create more followership

Accelerate growth, expand opportunities, and deliver results to shareholders

Drive transformation and execution of corporate initiatives

Attract, develop and retain outstanding talent on the team

Communicate a powerful vision that drives engagement and strengthens the company culture

Expand the company footprint, increase visibility, strengthen the brand, drive innovation

Demonstrate greater executive presence, influencing skills, and act as a strategic partner

Expand the company footprint, increase visibility, strengthen the brand, drive innovation

It’s a staggering list, and for leaders in large organizations, it just keeps growing.

When I work with clients as an adviser and coach, we answer questions like:

HOW can I drive change and transformation across my team, organization, or company?

HOW can I get consensus, alignment, and commitment from a diverse set of stakeholders?

HOW can I better manage my time, energy, and calendar to focus on the 3-4 things that matter?

HOW do I improve the productivity and effectiveness of my team to create exceptional leaders?

HOW do I create better processes and systems that allow me to scale?

HOW can I be seen as a strategic partner and leader that others trust and want to follow?

Recent Articles

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Busyness is Laziness: The Drawbacks of a Crazy Calendar

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